JHipster release 3.1.0


This is an upgrade and a bug-fix version for JHipster 3.0.0, with 161 closed tickets and PRs! Those are too long to list, here are the main changes:

  • We have migrated to Spring Cloud Brixton.RC1 (yes, RC2 was released yesterday, that will be in the next release)
  • JHipster Registry 1.1.0 has been released to match Spring Cloud Brixton.RC1, and has an easier configuration for JWT as well as some bug corrections
  • JHipster Console 1.1.0 has also been released to match Spring Cloud Brixton.RC1, with some new and improved dashboards
  • The Heroku sub-generator has had many improvements, in particular if you use it with the JHipster Registry
  • Many small UI improvements and bug corrections

Closed tickets

一如既往, you can check all closed tickets here.



npm update -g generator-jhipster


yo jhipster


yo jhipster --with-entities

You can also update your entities by running again the entity sub-generator, for example if your entity is named Foo

yo jhipster:entity Foo


如果您发现这个版本的任何问题, 请随时联系我们:
