JHipster release 4.2.0


The biggest news in JHipster 4.2.0 is that we migrated to the freshly-released Angular 4! This includes AOT support inside JHipster, which provides an important performance enhancements - have a look at the Angular cookbook on AOT if you need more information.

Angular 4 is still in BETA, but the final release is getting closer and closer. We now have quite a lot of people using it, with some very good results. Our biggest remaining work is to provide a “production” build as good as the AngularJS 1 (in fact, thanks to AOT, it should be much, much better!!). So you can start developing Angular 4 applications with confidence, and prepare to upgrade your JHipster version when we have finished the production build.

Other really cool features are:


一如既往, 你可以在此处查看所有已关闭的工单与已接受合并请求.



在已存在的项目上使用JHipster upgrade sub-generator自动升级:

yo jhipster:upgrade


选择手动升级, 需要先升级你的Jhipster版本:

yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster

如果你已经有了一个项目, 将会继续使用当时项目生成的Jhipster版本. 如果需要升级你的项目, 你需要先删除node_modules文件夹再运行:

yo jhipster


yo jhipster --with-entities

你也可以使用实体类子生成器挨个更新你的实体类, 例如你的实体类名字是_Foo_

yo jhipster:entity Foo


如果您发现这个版本的任何问题, 请随时联系我们:
